Cardinal arithmetic #
Arithmetic operations on cardinals are defined in SetTheory/Cardinal/Basic.lean
. However, proving
the important theorem c * c = c
for infinite cardinals and its corollaries requires the use of
ordinal numbers. This is done within this file.
Main statements #
state that the product (resp. sum) of two infinite cardinals is just their maximum. Several variations around this fact are also given.Cardinal.mk_list_eq_mk
: whenα
is infinite,α
andList α
have the same cardinality.
Tags #
cardinal arithmetic (for infinite cardinals)
Properties of mul
If α
is an infinite type, then α × α
and α
have the same cardinality.
If α
and β
are infinite types, then the cardinality of α × β
is the maximum
of the cardinalities of α
and β
Properties of add
If α
is an infinite type, then α ⊕ α
and α
have the same cardinality.
If α
is an infinite type, then the cardinality of α ⊕ β
is the maximum
of the cardinalities of α
and β
Properties of ciSup
Properties of aleph
Properties about power
Computing cardinality of various types #
This lemma makes lemmas assuming Infinite α
applicable to the situation where we have
Infinite β
Properties of compl
Extending an injection to an equiv #
Cardinal operations with ordinal indices #
Bounds the cardinal of an ordinal-indexed union of sets.
Alias of Cardinal.mk_iUnion_Ordinal_le_of_le