

Model Graphs (Section 7.1) #

Definition of Model Graphs #

A set of formulas is saturated if it is closed under: removing double negations, splitting (negated) conjunctions, unfolding boxes using any test profile, and unfolding diamonds using H.

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
    def Q {W : Finset (Finset Formula)} (R : { x : Finset Formula // x W }{ x : Finset Formula // x W }Prop) :
    Program{ x : Finset Formula // x W }{ x : Finset Formula // x W }Prop

    Q α

    Instances For

      A model graph is a Kripke model using sets of formulas as states and fulfilling conditions (i) to (iv). See MB Def 19, page 31. Note: In (ii) MB only has →. We follow BRV Def 4.18 and 4.84. Note: In (iii) "a" is atomic, but in iv "α" is any program.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For

        Truth Lemma #

        theorem get_eq_getzip {α : Type u_1} {l : List α} {α✝ : Type u_2} {x : α✝} {δ : List α✝} {X Y : α} {i : Fin (l ++ [Y]).length} {h : i < ((x, X) :: δ.zip (l ++ [Y])).length} :
        (X :: (l ++ [Y])).get i.castSucc = (((x, X) :: δ.zip (l ++ [Y])).get i, h).2
        theorem loadClaimHelper {Worlds : Finset (Finset Formula)} {MG : ModelGraph Worlds} {X Y : { x : Finset Formula // x Worlds }} {δ : List Program} {φ : Formula} {l : List { x : Finset Formula // x Worlds }} (length_def : l.length + 1 = δ.length) (δφ_in_X : (⌈⌈δ⌉⌉φ) X) (lchain : List.Chain' (pairRel MG) (((?') :: δ).zip (X :: l ++ [Y]))) (IHδ : dδ, ∀ (X' Y' : { x : Finset Formula // x Worlds }) (φ' : Formula), (dφ') X'relate (↑MG) d X' Y'φ' Y') (i : Fin (X :: l ++ [Y]).length) :
        (⌈⌈List.drop (↑i) δ⌉⌉φ) ((X :: l ++ [Y]).get i)
        theorem Q_then_relate {Worlds : Finset (Finset Formula)} (MG : ModelGraph Worlds) (α : Program) (X Y : { x : Finset Formula // x Worlds }) :
        Q (↑MG).Rel α X Yrelate (↑MG) α X Y

        C3 in notes

        theorem loadedTruthLemma {Worlds : Finset (Finset Formula)} (MG : ModelGraph Worlds) (X : { x : Finset Formula // x Worlds }) (P : Formula) :
        (P Xevaluate (↑MG) X P) ((~P) X¬evaluate (↑MG) X P)

        C1 and C2 in notes

        theorem loadedTruthLemmaProg {Worlds : Finset (Finset Formula)} (MG : ModelGraph Worlds) (α : Program) (X : { x : Finset Formula // x Worlds }) (φ : Formula) :
        (αφ) X∀ (Y : { x : Finset Formula // x Worlds }), relate (↑MG) α X Yφ Y

        C4 in notes

        theorem truthLemma {Worlds : Finset (Finset Formula)} (MG : ModelGraph Worlds) (X : { x : Finset Formula // x Worlds }) (P : Formula) :
        P Xevaluate (↑MG) X P

        Additional Q relations for the completeness proof #

        def Qtests {W : Finset (Finset Formula)} (R : { x : Finset Formula // x W }{ x : Finset Formula // x W }Prop) (F : List Formula) :
        { x : Finset Formula // x W }{ x : Finset Formula // x W }Prop

        Q_F - for a list F of tests (instead of a set in the notes).

        Instances For
          def Qsteps {W : Finset (Finset Formula)} (R : { x : Finset Formula // x W }{ x : Finset Formula // x W }Prop) :
          List Program{ x : Finset Formula // x W }{ x : Finset Formula // x W }Prop

          Q_δ for a list δ of programs.

          Instances For
            theorem Qsteps_single {a✝ : Finset (Finset Formula)} {R : { x : Finset Formula // x a✝ }{ x : Finset Formula // x a✝ }Prop} {α : Program} {v w : { x : Finset Formula // x a✝ }} :
            Qsteps R [α] v w Q R α v w
            theorem Qsteps_append {a✝ : Finset (Finset Formula)} {R : { x : Finset Formula // x a✝ }{ x : Finset Formula // x a✝ }Prop} {δ1 δ2 : List Program} {v w : { x : Finset Formula // x a✝ }} :
            Qsteps R (δ1 ++ δ2) v w ∃ (u : { x : Finset Formula // x a✝ }), Qsteps R δ1 v u Qsteps R δ2 u w
            def Qcombo {W : Finset (Finset Formula)} (R : { x : Finset Formula // x W }{ x : Finset Formula // x W }Prop) (F : List Formula) (δ : List Program) :
            { x : Finset Formula // x W }{ x : Finset Formula // x W }Prop

            Q_Fδ for a list of tests F and a list or programs δ.

            Instances For
              theorem cp3a {W : Finset (Finset Formula)} (R : { x : Finset Formula // x W }{ x : Finset Formula // x W }Prop) (α : Program) ( : List Formula × List Program) :
              H α∀ (v w : { x : Finset Formula // x W }), Qcombo R .1 .2 v wQ R α v w

              Q_Fδ v w implies Q v w.