

PDL-Tableaux (Section 4) #

Projections #

Instances For
    Instances For
      theorem proj {A : } {X : List Formula} {g : Formula} :

      Loading and Loaded Histories #

      Instances For
        @[reducible, inline]
        abbrev History :

        A history is a list of Sequents. This only tracks "big" steps, hoping we do not need steps within a local tableau. The head of the first list is the newest Sequent.

        Instances For
          def rep (Hist : History) (X : Sequent) :

          We have a repeat iff the history contains a node that is setEqTo the current node.

          Instances For
            def LoadedPathRepeat (Hist : History) (X : Sequent) :

            A lpr means we can go k steps back in the history to reach an equal node, and all nodes on the way are loaded. Note: k=0 means the first element of Hist is the companion.

            Instances For
              theorem LoadedPathRepeat_comp_isLoaded {Hist : History} {X : Sequent} (lpr : LoadedPathRepeat Hist X) :
              (List.get Hist lpr).isLoaded = true

              The PDL rules #

              inductive PdlRule (Γ Δ : Sequent) :

              A rule to go from Γ to Δ. Note the four variants of the modal rule.

              Instances For
                inductive Tableau :

                The Tableau [parent, grandparent, ...] child type.

                A closed tableau for X is either of:

                • a local tableau for X followed by closed tableaux for all end nodes,
                • a PDL rule application
                • a successful loaded repeat (MB condition six)
                Instances For
                  def Tableau.isLrep {Hist : History} {X : Sequent} :
                  Tableau Hist XProp
                  Instances For
                    inductive provable :
                    Instances For

                      A Sequent is inconsistent if there exists a closed tableau for it.

                      Instances For

                        A Sequent is consistent iff it is not inconsistent.

                        Instances For