

Helper Lemmas about Vector #

These are used in Soundness.lean.

theorem List.nonempty_drop_sub_succ {α✝ : Type u_1} {δ : List α✝} (δ_not_empty : δ []) (k : Fin δ.length) :
(drop (k + 1) δ).length + 1 = δ.length.succ - (k + 1)
theorem Vector.my_cast_head {α : Type u_1} (n m : ) (v : List.Vector α n.succ) (h : n = m) :
(h v).head = v.head
theorem Vector.my_cast_eq_val_head {α : Type u_1} (n m : ) (v : List.Vector α n.succ) (h : n = m) (h2 : v []) :
(h v).head = (↑v).head h2
theorem Vector.my_cast_toList {α : Type u_1} (n m : ) (t : List α) (ht : t.length = n) (h : n = m) :
t = List.Vector.toList (h t, ht)
theorem aux_simplify_vector_type {α : Type u_1} {q p : } (t : List α) (h : t.length = q + 1 + 1 - (p + 1 + 1)) :
let help := ; t, h = t,
theorem Vector.my_drop_succ_cons {α : Type u_1} {m n : } (x : α) (t : List α) (h : (x :: t).length = n.succ) (hyp : m < n) :
let help := ; List.Vector.drop (m + 1) x :: t, h = List.Vector.drop m t,
theorem Vector.get_succ_eq_head_drop {α : Type u_1} {n : } {v : List.Vector α n.succ} (k : Fin n) (j : ) (h : n + 1 - (k + 1) = j + 1) :
v.get k.succ = (h List.Vector.drop (k + 1) v).head
theorem Vector.drop_get_eq_get_add' {α : Type u_1} {n i : } (v : List.Vector α n) (l r : ) {h : i = l + r} {hi : i < n} {hr : r < n - l} :
v.get i, hi = (List.Vector.drop l v).get r, hr

Generalized vesrion of Vector.drop_get_eq_get_add.

theorem Vector.drop_get_eq_get_add {α : Type u_1} {n : } (v : List.Vector α n) (k : ) (i : Fin (n - k)) (still_lt : k + i < n) :
(List.Vector.drop k v).get i = v.get k + i, still_lt

A Vector analogue of List.getElem_drop.

theorem Fin.my_cast_val {j : } (n m : ) (h : n = m) (j_lt : j < n) :
↑(h j, j_lt) = j
theorem Vector.drop_last_eq_last {α : Type u_1} {n : } {v : List.Vector α n.succ} (k : Fin n) (j : ) (h : n.succ - (k + 1) = j.succ) :
(h List.Vector.drop (k + 1) v).last = v.last
theorem Vector.my_cast_heq {α : Type u_1} (n m : ) (h : n = m) (v : List.Vector α n) :
HEq (h v) v