

Substitution and Helper Lemmas #

The lemmas here are mostly from Sections 2.1 and 2.2.

Single-step replacing #

def repl_in_F (x : ) (ψ : Formula) :

Replace atomic proposition x by ψ in a formula.

Instances For
    def repl_in_P (x : ) (ψ : Formula) :

    Replace atomic proposition x by ψ in a program.

    Instances For
      theorem repl_in_Con {x : } {ψ : Formula} {l : List Formula} :
      repl_in_F x ψ (Con l) = Con ( (repl_in_F x ψ) l)
      theorem repl_in_or {x : } {ψ φ1 φ2 : Formula} :
      repl_in_F x ψ (φ1φ2) = repl_in_F x ψ φ1repl_in_F x ψ φ2
      theorem repl_in_dis {x : } {ψ : Formula} {l : List Formula} :
      repl_in_F x ψ (dis l) = dis ( (repl_in_F x ψ) l)
      theorem repl_in_F_non_occ_eq {x : } {φ ρ : Formula} :
      Sum.inl xφ.vocrepl_in_F x ρ φ = φ
      theorem repl_in_P_non_occ_eq {x : } {α : Program} {ρ : Formula} :
      Sum.inl xα.vocrepl_in_P x ρ α = α
      theorem repl_in_F_voc_def (p : ) (φ ψ : Formula) :
      theorem repl_in_P_voc_def (p : ) (φ : Formula) (α : Program) :
      def repl_in_model {W : Type} (x : ) (ψ : Formula) :

      Overwrite the valuation of x with the current value of ψ in a model.

      Instances For
        theorem repl_in_model_sat_iff (x : ) (ψ φ : Formula) {W : Type} (M : KripkeModel W) (w : W) :
        theorem repl_in_model_rel_iff (x : ) (ψ : Formula) (α : Program) {W : Type} (M : KripkeModel W) (w v : W) :
        relate M (repl_in_P x ψ α) w v relate (repl_in_model x ψ M) α w v
        theorem repl_in_F_equiv {φ1 φ2 : Formula} (x : ) (ψ : Formula) :
        φ1φ2repl_in_F x ψ φ1repl_in_F x ψ φ2
        theorem repl_in_P_equiv {α1 α2 : Program} (x : ) (ψ : Formula) :
        α1≡ᵣα2repl_in_P x ψ α1≡ᵣrepl_in_P x ψ α2
        theorem repl_in_disMap {α : Type u_1} (x : ) (ρ : Formula) (L : List α) (p : αProp) (f : αFormula) [DecidablePred p] :
        repl_in_F x ρ (dis ( (fun ( : α) => if p then Formula.bottom else f ) L)) = dis ( (fun ( : α) => if p then Formula.bottom else repl_in_F x ρ (f )) L)

        Cancellation of replacements #

        theorem repl_in_F_cancel_via_non_occ (φ : Formula) (p q : ) :
        Sum.inl qφ.vocrepl_in_F q (·p) (repl_in_F p (·q) φ) = φ

        Replacing p with a fresh q and then replacing q by p results in the same formula.

        theorem repl_in_P_cancel_via_non_occ (α : Program) (p q : ) :
        Sum.inl qα.vocrepl_in_P q (·p) (repl_in_P p (·q) α) = α

        Replacing p with a fresh q and then replacing q by p results in the same program.

        Replacement of atoms in tautologies #

        theorem taut_repl (φ : Formula) (p q : ) :
        tautology φtautology (repl_in_F p (·q) φ)

        Replacing an atom in a tautology results in a tautology.

        theorem non_occ_taut_then_taut_repl_in_imp (φ ψ : Formula) (p q : ) :
        Sum.inl pψ.vocSum.inl qψ.voctautology (~φ(~ψ))tautology (~ repl_in_F p (·q) φ(~ψ))

        A special case of taut_repl for the proof of beth.

        theorem non_occ_taut_then_taut_imp_repl_in (φ ψ : Formula) (p q : ) :
        Sum.inl pψ.vocSum.inl qψ.voctautology (~ψ(~φ))tautology (~ψ(~ repl_in_F p (·q) φ))

        Another special case of taut_repl for the proof of beth.

        Simultaneous Substitutions #

        @[reducible, inline]
        Instances For

          Apply substitution σ to formula φ.

          Instances For

            Apply substitution σ to program α.

            Instances For

              Overwrite the valuation in M with the substitution σ.

              • subst_in_model σ { val := V, Rel := R } = { val := fun (w : W) (c : ) => ({ val := V, Rel := R }, w)σ c, Rel := R }
              Instances For
                theorem substitutionLemma (σ : Substitution) (φ : Formula) {W : Type} (M : KripkeModel W) (w : W) :
                theorem substitutionLemmaRel (σ : Substitution) (α : Program) {W : Type} (M : KripkeModel W) (w v : W) :
                relate M (subst_in_P σ α) w v relate (subst_in_model σ M) α w v

                Semantic Equivalents #

                theorem equiv_con {φ1 φ2 : Formula} (h : φ1φ2) (ψ : Formula) :

                A true instance of wrong_equiv_repl, here we replaced frm with a special case.